Meet Our New Wallpapers: Agolise and Brute
Elevate your space and your mood with two new wallcovering designs.

Offering more colors and elegant patterns than ever before — including multi-faceted foreground and background colorways — Agolise and Brute are the wall-flattering foundations of a well-designed (and well-defined) space.
How can a pattern represent the shape of water? Both metaphorically and literally? After observing water in various natural and man-made settings — in a glass, on the ocean’s horizon, flowing down a water slide, and so on — Thatcher’s founder, Avery, created a series of illustrations depicting water in motion. Defining the movement of the substance with deconstructed shapes, the pattern is loosely outlined by its whimsical shapes and forms. Like a cubist painting, this wallpaper pattern emulates how one sees water by abandoning the tradition of perspective drawing and displaying many views of the subject at once—that is, the many shapes water takes.
Aptly dubbed, Brute is a wallpaper inspired by the spirited lines of calligraphy and delicate brush strokes of watercolor illustrations. In this treatment of motif-making, representation acts as a self-referential art, concerned with the nature of representation itself or trompe l’oeil (French for “deceive the eye”). Intended to beguile the viewer with perceptual and psychological patterns, the compositions complicate definitions of truth and fiction as we know them — at least in two-dimensional representation. Brute takes on many qualities seen as distinct traits of trompe l’oeil specialists over the centuries: the emphatically flat picture plane; the invasion of the “real” world into the pictorial one; and the mimicry of materials.